On our website we added the reprints of the following papers:
Mellone U., López- López P., Limiñana R., Urios V. 2010. Weather conditions promote route flexibility during open ocean crossing in a long-distance migratory raptor. International Journal of Biometeorology in press.
López-López P., Limiňana R., Mellone U. & Urios V. 2010. From the Mediterranean Sea to Madagascar: Are there ecological barriers for the long-distance migrant Eleonora's falcon? Landscape Ecol. 25(5): 803-813.
Agostini N. & Logozzo D. 2000. Migration and wintering distribution of the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) in southern Italy. Buteo, 11:19-24.
Agostini N., Logozzo D. & Coleiro C. 1999. The orientation/navigation hypothesis: an indirect evidence in migrating Honey Buzzards. Rivista italiana di Ornitologia, 69:153-159.
Mellone U., López- López P., Limiñana R., Urios V. 2010. Weather conditions promote route flexibility during open ocean crossing in a long-distance migratory raptor. International Journal of Biometeorology in press.
López-López P., Limiňana R., Mellone U. & Urios V. 2010. From the Mediterranean Sea to Madagascar: Are there ecological barriers for the long-distance migrant Eleonora's falcon? Landscape Ecol. 25(5): 803-813.
Agostini N. & Logozzo D. 2000. Migration and wintering distribution of the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) in southern Italy. Buteo, 11:19-24.
Agostini N., Logozzo D. & Coleiro C. 1999. The orientation/navigation hypothesis: an indirect evidence in migrating Honey Buzzards. Rivista italiana di Ornitologia, 69:153-159.