Two papers on very different arguments have been recently published: one deals with the Hypatia-trackRadar softaware calibrated and used to monitor raptor migration in the Strait of Messina, and the other one on the wintering raptors in the islands of Crete and Sicily.
Capotosti, S., Scacco, M., Nelli, L., Dell'Omo, G., Panuccio, M. 2019. Hypatia-trackRadar: A software for animal tracking using marine surveillance radars. Ecological Informatics 53: in press.

Panuccio M., Agostini N., Nelli L., Andreou G., Xirouchachis S. 2019. Factors shaping distribution and abundance of raptors wintering in two large Mediterranean islands. Community Ecology 20: 93-103.

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