Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Autumn news: short-toed eagle tracking, new posters and new paper

It is now possible to follow on our website (in the PROJECTS page) the migration of two short-toed eagles: Egidio, tagged in the 2013 as a juvenile and now adult, and his son Michele, tagged this year in July.

In this picture by Victor Muñoz, you can see Michele in Basilicata, just a few days before the departure.

Moreover, three posters from the recent Italian Ornithological Congress in Naples have been uploaded. They deal with the migration of raptors and bee-eaters at the Strait of Messina, and on the use of rubbish dumps by black kites.

Finally, you can find in the papers page also a new study to which we collaborated focused on the migration of the lesser kestrel at a pan-European scale.